Improvements: 9952m²
Land size 9952m²
Large retail centre and hotel rooms
11 Ster-Kinekor movie theatres
Excellent Gross Annual Income
Fantastic selection of restaurants and retail outlets
Sterland is definitely the home of the Stars! Sterland is a true landmark in Pretoria. It opened its doors many years ago and has been refurbished in 2012.
R53 Million has been spent to change Sterland into the ultimate leisure and entertainment destination in the central Pretoria area.
Sterland Mall is situated on the corner of Steve Biko and Pretorius Street, easily accessible via public transport or with ample parking for guests.
In addition to entertainment, Sterland offers a variety of exclusive offerings such as grocery shopping and a gym.
Tenants include:
Pick n Pay, Spur, Gym, Fishaway, Steers, ATMs and more
Live & Virtual Online Auction - Live Venue: Grosvenor Room and Marquee, Bryanston Country Club, 63 Bryanston Drive, Bryanston