10km from Riversdale, Western Cape is this thriving 90 ha Macadamia farm.
Approximately 47 ha of Macadamia Orchards (15,000 trees) including Beaumont, A4, and Nelmac varieties.
Ages of the trees range from 2 to 10 years, ensuring a steady supply of nuts for years to come.
The irrigation scheme and dams are gravity-fed
2 Fully equipped irrigation houses
3 Dams, 2 water rights entitlements on a canal irrigation scheme and river, ensuring ample water supply
Double lane dehusker, tumbler, and sorting table
3 x 4-ton Drying bins
Shed, office, bathroom and more
Live & Virtual Online Auction - Live Venue: Grosvenor Room and Marquee, Bryanston Country Club, 63 Bryanston Drive, Bryanston